I Just Got My L

Mar 2012

Having just received you Learners Licence, you awake to find yourself in a nice new sports car. This is no ordinary sports car though, this sports car has a giant rocket launcher strapped to the roof! When you look around, realize that you are in an arena and there are forklifts and army trucks covered in spikes speeding towards you. Do you follow the rules of the road? Or do you try to survive, and risk losing the Learners Licence that you worked so hard to get? That’s for you to decide.

This game was developed by a team of four during the Art Institute of Vancouver’s SWEAT program, a one week program designed to introduce high school students to potential career options. In this program we had to design a game within a week. Since there was no prerequisites to participate in the program, assets were borrowed off of the Unity Store and code was mostly written by the instructor with slight modifications by us. I handled creating the enemy army truck, it’s artificial intelligence, and parts of the player car.

Developed With:

  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unity
  • Programming Language: JavaScript
  • IDE: MonoDevelop