The Mole

Apr 2016

After a crushing defeat by the Grayliens, the Vikings are in dire straits. To end the fight once and for all, the Grayliens, led by the Underwatch have installed mind-control devices on a colony of moles living under the Viking Stronghold. They’re using the moles to identify weaknesses in the Viking defences so that they can bomb them back to the 1100’s. You play as Borin, a mole living in the colony of the mind-controlled moles. Today, like any other day, you are doing your rounds when you encounter your friend Toad.

As Borin, you must dig your way through five different levels using different hats to give you special powers. The Viking Hat allows you to block projectiles, the Chicken Hat allows you to double jump and the Mind-Control Hat allows you to control other moles.

This 2D platformer is a sequel to Viking XII: A Space Odyssey and was developed by a team of four during our final term in the BCIT Game Development program. Tasks I handled included level design, level loading, menu layout and implementation, implementation of a quadtree for render culling, and dialogue screen design and implementation. In addition, I handled some of the basic art assets including the hats, tiles and tutorial signs.

The Mole can be downloaded here. Code can be viewed on GitHub.

Developed With:

  • Platform: PC
  • Library: SDL2pp C++ wrapper for SDL2
  • Programming Language: C++11
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2015